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What are the categories of cosmetics in Singapore?
What is its official name? What is the intensity of management of different categories?
What is the governmental authority of cosmetics? Website?

Evershine RD集
















































In Singapore, the Health Sciences Authority (HAS), under the Ministry of Health, is the national regulatory agency governing cosmetics.

Cosmetics are defined as any substance or preparation intended to come into contact with external parts of the human body, such as skin, hair, nails, lips or mouth (including gums, teeth and tongue), for the purpose of:

1. Clean them

2. Perfume them

3. Change their appearance

4. Correct body odor

5. Protect them

6. Keep them in good shape

Cosmetics are applied on the outside of the human body or on the teeth/oral mucosa, such as the following:

1. Epidermis (skin, including near the eyes)

2. Hair System

3. Nails

4. Lips

5. External Genitalia

6. Teeth

7. Oral mucosa

Cosmetic product categories:

1. For skin (hands, face, feet, etc.)

2. Masks, such as whitening masks, moisturizing masks

3. Coloring base (liquid, paste, powder)

4. Cosmetic powder, after-bath powder, sanitary powder, etc.

5. Soap, deodorant soap, etc.

6. Perfume, toilet water and cologne

7. Bath and shower supplies (salt, foam, oil, gel, etc.)

8. Depilatories

9. Deodorants and antiperspirants

10. Hair care products

. Hair Dye and Bleach

. Products for waving, straightening or securing

. Set up products

. Cleaning products (lotions, powders, shampoos)

. Conditioning products (lotions, creams, oils)

. Hair products (lotions, polishes, sequins)

11. Shaving products (creams, foams, lotions, etc.)

12. Products for Makeup and Makeup Remover

13. Products for use on and around the lips

14. Teeth and Oral Care Products

15. Nail care and makeup products (manicure and pedicure)

16. Products for external intimate hygiene

17. Sunbathing Products

18. Sunscreen products

19. Whitening products

20. Anti-wrinkle products

21. Baby/Facial Wipes

The following are not classified as cosmetic products:

1. Injections and eye drops.

2. Oral products such as tablets, capsules or beverages.

3. Products for treatment, such as acne treatment creams.



If a foreign company wants to sell cosmetics in Singapore, no matter if it sets up a 100% subsidiary or branch, does it need to obtain an approval from local health bureau before the company’s registration?
If so, what are the requests? What are the required documents and application procedures? Website?

Evershine RD:


化妝品的銷售,須由會計和企業監管局 (ACRA)註冊的當地實體公司向HAS提交銷售通知方可進口、銷售。


1. 負責將化妝品投放市場的當地公司的詳細信息







2. 授權代表當地公司的人員的詳細信息






3. 製造商詳情


.如果是本地製造商,請填寫郵政編碼並點擊檢索地址,Blk/House No, Street Name 和 Building Name 的數據將自動填充。







4. 產品詳情


.選擇反映產品的類型。 (例如,如果您要通知抗皺霜,請選擇抗皺)



5. 支持文件



6. 申報、驗證、確認和付款




7. 成功提交化妝品通知後,將收到通知確認,其中將顯示




8. 注意:




9. 以下產品不需要化妝品產品通知。但是仍然需要遵守其他要求,例如標籤、成分和不良事件報告:





There is no need to apply for a business permit.

For the sale of cosmetic products, the local entity registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) can submit a sales notification to HAS before importing and selling.

Application form content:

1. Details of local companies responsible for placing cosmetic products on the market

. Company Name

. company address

. City

. Postal code, full address

. phone number

. fax number

2. Details of persons authorised to represent local companies

. Applicant’s name


. Phone number

. Indicate preferred method of communication

. Company Name

3. Manufacturer Details

.Manufacturer’s name

.If it is a local manufacturer, please fill in the zip code and click Search Address, the data for Blk/House No, Street Name and Building Name will be filled automatically. Otherwise, please fill in the details accordingly

.If there are multiple manufacturers, click New to add details

After filling in and saving the details of the first record, the new manufacturer moves on to the next section.


.Postal code, full address

.Phone number

.Fax number

4. Product Details

.Enter the brand name and product name of the product based on the name that appears on the product packaging

.Choose to reflect the type of product. (For example, if you want to inform anti-wrinkle cream, choose anti-wrinkle)

.Choose the type of presentation that best represents your product. (Example: singles, palettes, sets, etc.)


5. Supporting Documents

.There are no mandatory relevant supporting documents, but the company responsible for bringing the product to the market must be responsible for the product

.It is recommended to have relevant inspection certificates or supporting documents

6. Declaration, verification, confirmation and payment

.Statement of Consent

.Complete submission

.Debit fee

7. Upon successful submission of the cosmetic notification, a notification confirmation will be received, which will display

.Company name and address

.Brand name and product name

.Product Notification Number and Effective Date

8. Note:

.Product notifications are valid for one year, and annual notifications (updates) are required if your company intends to continue

.Notification is required even if the product has been notified by another company in Singapore and you imported it from the same manufacturer

.Notifications are also required for each different variation of the same cosmetic product, such as a different shade of lipstick and a different scented shampoo

9. The following products do not require cosmetic product notification. But there are still other requirements such as labelling, ingredients and adverse event reporting:

.Samples related to advertising, sponsorship or promotions

.Products used for testing or trials in connection with any research or development of this product.

.A product manufactured by a physician or according to his specifications and provided solely by that physician for use by patients under his or her care.

.Different package sizes of the same product.



外國公司要到新加坡銷售化妝品,可以指派新加坡公司擔任營業代理人銷售嗎? 擔任營業代理人,其必要條件是什麼?

If a foreign company wants to sell cosmetics in Singapore, can it assign a Singapore company to act as a business agent?
What are the requests for acting as a business agent? What are the required documents and application procedures?
What is the product liability of foreign companies and the business agents? Website?

Evershine RD:

化妝品的銷售,須由會計和企業監管局 (ACRA)註冊的當地實體公司向HAS提交銷售通知方可進口、銷售。

 1. 負責將化妝品投放市場的當地公司的詳細信息







2. 授權代表當地公司的人員的詳細信息






3. 製造商詳情


.如果是本地製造商,請填寫郵政編碼並點擊檢索地址,Blk/House No, Street Name 和 Building Name 的數據將自動填充。







4. 產品詳情


.選擇反映產品的類型。 (例如,如果您要通知抗皺霜,請選擇抗皺)



5. 支持文件



6. 申報、驗證、確認和付款




7. 成功提交化妝品通知後,將收到通知確認,其中將顯示




8. 注意:




9. 以下產品不需要化妝品產品通知。但是仍然需要遵守其他要求,例如標籤、成分和不良事件報告:





負責將化妝品投放市場的人,可能是進口商、製造商、分銷商或零售商(必須是在會計和企業監管局註冊的公司)有責任向 HSA 報告其負責的化妝品的產品缺陷和不利影響,並且產品標籤符合法規要求。


1. 提交產品通知




5.應 HSA的要求提交安全和技術信息

Yes. For the sale of cosmetic products, the local entity registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) can submit a sales notification to HAS before importing and selling.

Application form content:

1. Details of local companies responsible for placing cosmetic products on the market

. Company Name

. company address

. City

. Postal code, full address

. phone number

. fax number

2. Details of persons authorised to represent local companies

. Applicant’s name


. Phone number

. Indicate preferred method of communication

. Company Name

3. Manufacturer Details

.Manufacturer’s name

.If it is a local manufacturer, please fill in the zip code and click Search Address, the data for Blk/House No, Street Name and Building Name will be filled automatically. Otherwise, please fill in the details accordingly

.If there are multiple manufacturers, click New to add details

After filling in and saving the details of the first record, the new manufacturer moves on to the next section.


.Postal code, full address

.Phone number

.Fax number

4. Product Details

.Enter the brand name and product name of the product based on the name that appears on the product packaging

.Choose to reflect the type of product. (For example, if you want to inform anti-wrinkle cream, choose anti-wrinkle)

.Choose the type of presentation that best represents your product. (Example: singles, palettes, sets, etc.)


5. Supporting Documents

.There are no mandatory relevant supporting documents, but the company responsible for bringing the product to the market must be responsible for the product

.It is recommended to have relevant inspection certificates or supporting documents

6. Declaration, verification, confirmation and payment

.Statement of Consent

.Complete submission

.Debit fee

7. Upon successful submission of the cosmetic notification, a notification confirmation will be received, which will display

.Company name and address

.Brand name and product name

.Product Notification Number and Effective Date

8. Note:

.Product notifications are valid for one year, and annual notifications (updates) are required if your company intends to continue

.Notification is required even if the product has been notified by another company in Singapore and you imported it from the same manufacturer

.Notifications are also required for each different variation of the same cosmetic product, such as a different shade of lipstick and a different scented shampoo

9. The following products do not require cosmetic product notification. But there are still other requirements such as labelling, ingredients and adverse event reporting:

.Samples related to advertising, sponsorship or promotions

.Products used for testing or trials in connection with any research or development of this product.

.A product manufactured by a physician or according to his specifications and provided solely by that physician for use by patients under his or her care.

.Different package sizes of the same product.

The person responsible for placing the cosmetic product on the market, which may be an importer, manufacturer, distributor or retailer (must be a company registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) has a duty to report to the HSA product defects and adverse effects of the cosmetic product for which it is responsible, And the product label meets the regulatory requirements.

The principal’s main responsibilities include:

1. Submit Product Notification

2. Ensure product safety

3. Recall of unsafe products

4. Report product defects and adverse effects

5. Submit safety and technical information at the request of HSA




Do foreign companies need to apply for an approval before importing cosmetics sold to Singapore?
If yes, which authority is in charge?
What documents are required? What is the application process?
Do cosmetics packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages ​​are allowed? Website?

Evershine RD:









8.生產日期/有效期(僅對保質期少於 30 個月的產品需要寫上有效期)



11.專業用途是指人們在從事專業活動(例如在美髮沙龍、美甲沙龍、水療沙龍、皮膚診所等)中使用和使用化妝品。 這也意味著此類化妝品不應由專業人士出售給消費者。








2.成分應按重量降序排列,除了成分(著色劑除外)濃度低於 1%(按重量計),可按以下任意順序列出

.存在濃度為 1% 或更多的成分




Without applying for a product license, cosmetic labels should contain truthful and accurate information about the cosmetic product, its intended use, and how it should be used. Before being sold or supplied in Singapore, it must be labelled in accordance with regulations and make a statement that does not mislead consumers about product content, quality or safety.
Cosmetics suppliers, such as wholesalers or retailers, must ensure that the cosmetic products are compliant with regulations before supplying products.

The label or label statement must be in English and legible, and the following information must appear on the outer packaging or cosmetic container:

1. Cosmetics name

2. The function of cosmetics

3. Instructions for use

4. Complete Ingredient List

5. Country of manufacture

6. Contents (weight/volume)

7. Lot number

8. Production date/expiration date (only for products with a shelf life of less than 30 months, the expiry date needs to be written)

9. Name and address in Singapore of the company responsible for placing the product on the market

10. Special precautions, if any (should provide an explanation of the symbols or codes used on the label, with a Professional Use Only label or similar labels for Professional Use Only.

11. Professional use refers to the use and use of cosmetic products by people engaged in professional activities (eg in hair salons, nail salons, spa salons, skin clinics, etc.). It also means that such cosmetic products should not be sold to consumers by professionals.

12. Professionals must have a certain level of expertise and experience. As a result, they are more familiar with the risks associated with using the product than the consumer and will also have the expertise to properly apply the product to the consumer.

Display of the label

1. Labels must be legible, permanent, indelible, prominent and conspicuous on the product at the point of sale.

2. The label or label description should appear on the outer packaging of the cosmetic, or on the immediate packaging of the cosmetic if there is no outer packaging.

3. If the size, shape or nature of the container or packaging does not allow all the required information to be specified on the container or packaging, leaflets, brochures, hang tags, display boards, etc. placed with the product are allowed. However, the name and batch number of the cosmetic product must appear on the immediate packaging or container.

List of ingredients

1. All cosmetic products must label all ingredients contained in the product. The amount or percentage of each ingredient in a cosmetic product does not need to be disclosed on the label.

2. Ingredients should be listed in descending order by weight, except that ingredients (other than colorants) are less than 1% concentration by weight, which may be listed in any order below

. ingredients present at a concentration of 1% or more

. Colorants in any order

3. Perfume and fragrance compositions and their raw materials may be referred to by perfume, essence, aroma or any other similar term.

4. Flavoring agent can be called flavor or any other similar word




Evershine RD:


No product license application required


Can a foreign company apply for a product license by its own name? If yes, which authority is in charge?
What documents are required? What is the application process?
Do cosmetics packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages ​​are allowed?? Website?

Evershine RD:










8.生產日期/有效期(僅對保質期少於 30 個月的產品需要寫上有效期)



11.專業用途是指人們在從事專業活動(例如在美髮沙龍、美甲沙龍、水療沙龍、皮膚診所等)中使用和使用化妝品。 這也意味著此類化妝品不應由專業人士出售給消費者。

12.專業人士須有一定程度的專業知識和經驗。 因此,他們比消費者更熟悉與使用產品相關的風險,還將具有將產品正確應用到消費者身上的專業知識。







2.成分應按重量降序排列,除了成分(著色劑除外)濃度低於 1%(按重量計),可按以下任意順序列出

.存在濃度為 1% 或更多的成分




Without applying for a product license, cosmetic labels should contain truthful and accurate information about the cosmetic product, its intended use, and how it should be used. Before being sold or supplied in Singapore, it must be labelled in accordance with regulations and make a statement that does not mislead consumers about product content, quality or safety. Cosmetics suppliers, such as wholesalers or retailers, must ensure that the cosmetic products are compliant with regulations before supplying products.

The label or label statement must be in English and legible, and the following information must appear on the outer packaging or cosmetic container:

1. Cosmetics name

2. The function of cosmetics

3. Instructions for use

4. Complete Ingredient List

5. Country of manufacture

6. Contents (weight/volume)

7. Lot number

8. Production date/expiration date (only for products with a shelf life of less than 30 months, the expiry date needs to be written)

9. Name and address in Singapore of the company responsible for placing the product on the market

10. Special precautions, if any (should provide an explanation of the symbols or codes used on the label, with a Professional Use Only label or similar labels for Professional Use Only.

11. Professional use refers to the use and use of cosmetic products by people engaged in professional activities (eg in hair salons, nail salons, spa salons, skin clinics, etc.). It also means that such cosmetic products should not be sold to consumers by professionals.

12. Professionals must have a certain level of expertise and experience. As a result, they are more familiar with the risks associated with using the product than the consumer and will also have the expertise to properly apply the product to the consumer.

Display of the label

1. Labels must be legible, permanent, indelible, prominent and conspicuous on the product at the point of sale.

2. The label or label description should appear on the outer packaging of the cosmetic, or on the immediate packaging of the cosmetic if there is no outer packaging.

3. If the size, shape or nature of the container or packaging does not allow all the required information to be specified on the container or packaging, leaflets, brochures, hang tags, display boards, etc. placed with the product are allowed. However, the name and batch number of the cosmetic product must appear on the immediate packaging or container.

List of ingredients

1. All cosmetic products must label all ingredients contained in the product. The amount or percentage of each ingredient in a cosmetic product does not need to be disclosed on the label.

2. Ingredients should be listed in descending order by weight, except that ingredients (other than colorants) are less than 1% concentration by weight, which may be listed in any order below

. ingredients present at a concentration of 1% or more

. Colorants in any order

3. Perfume and fragrance compositions and their raw materials may be referred to by perfume, essence, aroma or any other similar term.

4. Flavoring agent can be called flavor or any other similar word




Evershine RD:


No product license application required


What documents are required when importing approved cosmetics into Singapore? What is the procedure?
Any preparation is required to submit to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for selling products? Website?

Evershine RD:

申請人:將該化妝品投放至市場者,如為外國廠商,則需委託當地已經在會計和企業監管局 (ACRA)註冊的當地實體公司協助提交。

1. 負責將化妝品投放市場的當地公司的詳細信息







2. 授權代表當地公司的人員的詳細信息






3. 製造商詳情


.如果是本地製造商,請填寫郵政編碼並點擊檢索地址,Blk/House No, Street Name 和 Building Name 的數據將自動填充。否則,請相應填寫詳細信息







4. 產品詳情


.選擇反映產品的類型。 (例如,如果您要通知抗皺霜,請選擇抗皺)



5. 支持文件



6. 申報、驗證、確認和付款




7. 成功提交化妝品通知後,將收到通知確認,其中將顯示




8. 注意:




9. 以下產品不需要化妝品產品通知。但是仍然需要遵守其他要求,例如標籤、成分和不良事件報告:








1. 註冊入口網站的帳戶,化妝品被歸類為健康與美容(cdf 類別)

2. 指定報關代理人(新加坡物流協會/新加坡航空貨運代理協會)或自行申報。

.必須與新加坡海關負責銀行 GIRO (IBG)綁定以直接從您的銀行賬戶向新加坡海關支付新加坡海關提供的服務的關稅、稅款、費用、罰款和其他費用。

.如果沒有在新加坡海關持有 IBG,關稅和 GST 將從您的申報代理的 IBG 中扣除。

3. 提供安全保障



4. 獲得海關進口許可證

.申请必須透由TradeNet提交 (TradeNet軟體、政府應用程序)








5. 準備貨物清關文件








購買、進口、銷售或出口貨物有關的相關證明文件自許可證申請批准之日起保留 5 年。

A sales notification must be submitted first, and cosmetics can be imported and sold after receiving the notification confirmation.

The applicant:

Those who put the cosmetics on the market, such as foreign manufacturers, need to entrust a local entity registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) to assist in the submission.

Application form content: Please fill in all parts in English

1. Details of local companies responsible for placing cosmetic products on the market

. Company Name

. company address

. City

. Postal code, full address

. phone number

. fax number

2. Details of persons authorised to represent local companies

. Applicant’s name


. Phone number

. Indicate preferred method of communication

. Company Name

3. Manufacturer Details

.Manufacturer’s name

.If it is a local manufacturer, please fill in the zip code and click Search Address, the data for Blk/House No, Street Name and Building Name will be filled automatically. Otherwise, please fill in the details accordingly

.If there are multiple manufacturers, click New to add details

After filling in and saving the details of the first record, the new manufacturer moves on to the next section.


.Postal code, full address

.Phone number

.Fax number

4. Product Details

.Enter the brand name and product name of the product based on the name that appears on the product packaging

.Choose to reflect the type of product. (For example, if you want to inform anti-wrinkle cream, choose anti-wrinkle)

.Choose the type of presentation that best represents your product. (Example: singles, palettes, sets, etc.)


5. Supporting Documents

.There are no mandatory relevant supporting documents, but the company responsible for bringing the product to the market must be responsible for the product

.It is recommended to have relevant inspection certificates or supporting documents

6. Declaration, verification, confirmation and payment

.Statement of Consent

.Complete submission

.Debit fee

7. Upon successful submission of the cosmetic notification, a notification confirmation will be received, which will display

.Company name and address

.Brand name and product name

.Product Notification Number and Effective Date

8. Note:

.Product notifications are valid for one year, and annual notifications (updates) are required if your company intends to continue

.Notification is required even if the product has been notified by another company in Singapore and you imported it from the same manufacturer

.Notifications are also required for each different variation of the same cosmetic product, such as a different shade of lipstick and a different scented shampoo

9. The following products do not require cosmetic product notification. But there are still other requirements such as labelling, ingredients and adverse event reporting:

.Samples related to advertising, sponsorship or promotions

.Products used for testing or trials in connection with any research or development of this product.

.A product manufactured by a physician or according to his specifications and provided solely by that physician for use by patients under his or her care.

.Different package sizes of the same product.

Customs Transit System/Declaration Documents

Singapore has strict standards and procedures for the inspection and quarantine of imported goods.
The department responsible for the inspection of imported cosmetics products is referred to as HAS. Before importing cosmetics, it is necessary to complete the sales notification and obtain the customs import license.

Customs import license:

1. Register an account on the portal, cosmetic products are classified as health and beauty (cdf category)

2. Designated customs broker (Singapore Logistics Association/Singapore Air Freight Forwarders Association) or self-declaration.

.Must be tied to Singapore Customs Responsible Bank GIRO (IBG) to pay Singapore Customs duties, taxes, fees, fines and other charges for services provided by Singapore Customs directly from your bank account.

.If the IBG is not held at Singapore Customs, duties and GST will be deducted from your reporting agent’s IBG.

3. Provide security

.Guarantee is required for transactions involving dutiable goods, temporary importation of goods for approved purposes, and the operation of franchise premises such as licensed warehouses and excise factories.

.Guarantees provided should be in the form of bank guarantees, finance company guarantees or security deposits.

4. Obtain customs import license

.Applications must be submitted through TradeNet (TradeNet software, government applications)

.The application fee for each license is usually S$2.88, excluding customs brokerage service fees.

Document content

.Application company (customs declaration must be made in the name of the company, if it is an individual, you can entrust an agency company to apply), zip code, address, telephone, fax, industry

.Contact, Contact, Phone, Fax, Email

.Billing administrator (usually supervisor or financial officer) name, ID/passport number, contact details, email

.Payment method


5. Prepare goods clearance documents

.Provide supporting documents, including invoice, packing list and bill of lading/airway bill

.Documents Required for Containerized Cargo

Importing containerized cargo by sea eliminates the need to present printed copies of customs licenses and supporting documents to checkpoint personnel at ports of entry.

To import containerized cargo by air or land, you need to present customs license and supporting documents such as invoice, packing list and bill of lading/air waybill for verification with the checkpoint officer.

.Documents Required for Regular Cargo

For regular goods, please submit the goods, printed copies of customs passes, invoices, packing lists, bills of lading/airway bills and other supporting documents to the customs inspection personnel for verification when the goods are cleared.

.Keep trade documents

Relevant supporting documents pertaining to the purchase, import, sale or export of goods are retained for 5 years from the date of approval of the license application.


新加坡化妝品審核機構,需要附上的實驗室檢驗資料有哪些? 網頁?

What are the laboratory inspection materials that need to be attached for verification? Website?

Evershine RD:

製造商沒有要求製造商許可證。但是,製造商可以申請自願的良好生產規範 (GMP) 證書以促進化妝品的出口。


1. CRIS 公司賬戶

2. Corppass /HSA PIN


1. 原包裝材料規格應包括












3. 生產文件






4. 批量生產記錄(BMR) :應為每批產品準備批生產記錄








.過程控制和實驗室結果,例如 pH 和溫度測試記錄





5. 質量控制記錄:應保存每次測試、化驗結果以及起始材料、中間體、散裝產品和成品的放行或拒收的記錄

. 檢測日期










備註:申請後,HSA將安排進行GMP認證審核,包含東盟化妝品指令中與 GMP 相關的所有建議。
應根據 化妝品製造商網站主文件準備指南準備網站主文件並在 GMP 認證審核前提交。

Cosmetics in Singapore do not require relevant inspection materials. Manufacturers, importers, and sellers need to ensure that cosmetics comply with laws and regulations, safety and quality, and those who put them on the market need to be held responsible.

Manufacturers do not require a manufacturer’s license. However, manufacturers can apply for voluntary Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificates to facilitate the export of cosmetics.

Application Path: Submit an application through the PRISM system


1. CRIS Corporate Account

2. Corppass /HSA PIN

Relevant inspection data:

1. The original packaging material specifications should include

. Material name

. Material Description

. Test parameters and acceptance limits

. Technical drawings (if necessary)

. Special precautions such as storage and safety conditions (if necessary)

2. Bulk and finished product specifications shall include:

. Product name

. Illustrate

. Physical properties

. Chemical analysis and/or microbiological analysis and their acceptance limits (if necessary)

. Storage conditions and safety precautions (if necessary)

3. Production documents

. Product name and product code/number

. Expected Packaging Materials and Storage Conditions

. List of raw materials used

. List of equipment used

. Process controls and their restrictions during handling and packaging (if applicable)

4. Batch Production Record (BMR): A batch production record should be prepared for each batch of product

. Product name

. Batch formula

. The production process is simple

. Lot number or code

. Start and end dates for processing and packaging

. Identification of a single major device and line or location used

. Cleaning records of equipment used for processing (as applicable)

. Process control and laboratory results such as pH and temperature test records

. Packaging line customs clearance inspection record

. Any sampling performed during various steps of processing

. Any investigation of a specific fault or discrepancy

. Inspection results of packaged and labelled products

5. Quality Control Records: Records should be maintained for each test, assay results, and release or rejection of starting materials, intermediates, bulk products, and finished products

. test date

. Material identification

. Supplier name

. date of receipt

. Original lot number (if any)

. batch number

. Quality control number

. Quality control number

. Sampling date

.Quality control results, etc.

Note: After application, HSA will arrange for a GMP certification audit, including all GMP-related recommendations in the ASEAN Cosmetics Directive. The website master file should be prepared according to the Guidelines for the Preparation of the Website Master File for Cosmetic Manufacturers and submitted prior to the GMP certification audit.
A GMP certificate will be granted when it is deemed to meet the above GMP standards.




Evershine RD:




After a foreign subsidiary imports cosmetics and entrusts a distributor in Singapore to sell it, does the distributor need a cosmetics business license? What are the respective responsibilities of foreign subsidiaries and distributors if cosmetic products have quality defects? Is it joint liability? Or can the responsibility of the foreign subsidiary be regulated?

Evershine RD:


化妝品的銷售,須由會計和企業監管局 (ACRA)註冊的當地實體公司向HAS提交銷售通知方可進口、銷售。
負責將化妝品投放市場的人,可能是進口商、製造商、分銷商或零售商(必須是在會計和企業監管局註冊的公司)有責任向 HSA 報告其負責的化妝品的產品缺陷和不利影響,並且產品標籤符合法規要求。


1. 提交產品通知




5.應 HSA的要求提交安全和技術信息

There is no need to apply for a business permit.

For the sale of cosmetic products, the local entity registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) can submit a sales notification to HAS before importing and selling.

The person responsible for placing the cosmetic product on the market, which may be an importer, manufacturer, distributor or retailer (must be a company registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) has a duty to report to the HSA product defects and adverse effects of the cosmetic product for which it is responsible, And the product label meets the regulatory requirements.

The principal’s main responsibilities include:

1. Submit Product Notification

2. Ensure product safety

3. Recall of unsafe products

4. Report product defects and adverse effects

5. Submit safety and technical information at the request of HSA




以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2021年10月摘要。
而且您將在永輝RD 人才庫列名,有機會成為RD兼職及合作夥伴。



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