


聯絡人:蘇 玉 燕 副總經理
skype: rachelsu8
wechat: r0928486835
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:104

文章目錄 點擊收合


LRC – 新加坡勞動法規


RD 答:

根據 1968 年《就業法》第 91 章,SS 8-9。

  • 員工的全名
  • 就業開始日期
  • 員工的職位
  • 員工的工作職責
  • 僱傭期限的持續時間,如果是固定期限協議
  • 試用期(如果適用)
  • 員工的工作時間表
  • 工資期
  • 員工的基本工資
  • 固定津貼
  • 額外獎勵(例如獎金)
  • 固定扣除
  • 醫療和牙科保險和福利;和
  • 休假權利(年假、病假、產假、育兒等)

RD 答:



RD 答:

根據 1968 年《就業法》第 91 章,SS 67A-69。
新加坡的法定最低就業年齡為 16 歲,但有一些例外。


RD 答:

根據 2012 年個人數據保護法第 26 號、SS 3、13。
根據 2012 年《個人數據保護法》,雇主可以出於“合理的人認為在這種情況下適當的”目的進行背景調查。


RD 答:


RD 答:

根據新加坡憲法,1965,S 12;勞資關係法,1960 年,ch。 136,S 80。


RD 答:

根據個人數據保護法,2012 年,第 26 號,S 20。


RD 答:

根據《就業法》,第 91 章,1968 年,S 38。
新加坡的標準工作日為每週 5 天工作 9 小時,更長工作週為 8 小時,在大多數情況下不能超過 12 小時。
標準工作週 44 小時。


RD 答:
根據《就業法》,第 91 章,1968 年,S 38。
每天工作超過 8 小時或每週工作超過 44 小時必須按 1.5 倍的比率支付報酬。
員工每月加班時間不得超過 72 小時。



RD 答:


RD 答:

根據《就業法》,第 91 章,1968 年,S 43。
為雇主工作至少 3 個月的僱員有權享受 7 天的帶薪年假,並在第一個服務年之後每工作一年額外累積 1 天,
最多可享受 14 天的帶薪年假。


RD 答:

根據《就業法》,第 91 章,1968 年,S 88;假日法,1998 年,第 8 號,S 4。

  •  1月1日:元旦
  •  農曆新年(兩天)
  • 耶穌受難日
  •  5月1日:勞動節
  •  衛塞節(佛誕日)
  •  8月9日:國慶
  •  Hari Raya Puasa(齋月結束)
  •  Deepavali(印度教新年)
  •  Hari Raya Haji(祭祀節)
  •  12月25日:聖誕節



RD 答:

根據 1968 年《就業法》第 91 章,SS 76-81。
女僱員如果為雇主工作至少 3 個月且孩子是或將是新加坡公民,則有權享受 16 週的帶薪產假。
如果她為雇主工作的時間連續少於 3 個月,或者她的孩子不是新加坡公民,則她只有 12 週的休假資格。
如果她在分娩時自己的在世子女少於 2 個,她將從雇主那裡獲得 8 週的工資。剩下的 4 周是無償的。


RD 答:
根據兒童發展共同儲蓄法案,Ch。 38A,S 12H-12I。
在下列情況下,連續受僱至少 3 個月的在職父親有權享受 2 週的政府帶薪陪產假:

  •  他們與孩子的母親結婚,並且
  •  孩子是新加坡公民或將在他或她一歲時成為新加坡公民。


  •  在孩子出生後 16 週內連續出現;或者
  •  在孩子出生後的 12 個月內(需與雇主達成協議)。

在職父親也有權分享其妻子 16 週的政府帶薪產假中的 4 週。


RD 答:


根據就業法,第 91 章,1968 年,S 89。
如果不需要住院,至少服務 6 個月的員工有權享受每年最多 14 天的帶薪病假。
如果需要住院,病假僅限於 60 天或 14 天加上員工住院天數中的較短者。
服務至少 3 個月但少於 6 個月的僱員有權享受與工作時間成比例的病假。


人力部 (MOM) 不要求公司向員工提供喪假。


RD 答:

根據中央公積金法,ch。 36,S 77。
最低法定退休年齡為 62 歲。
中央公積金 (CPF) 為其成員提供 4 種類型的個人賬戶。

  1. 一個普通賬戶,用於購買房屋、進行經批准的投資或繼續教育。
  2. 退休及與退休有關的投資專戶。
  3. 醫療儲蓄賬戶,用於支付某些醫療費用,包括產假。
  4. 55 歲時設立的退休賬戶,用於為退休期間的定期付款提供資金。

RD 答:

根據工傷賠償法,Ch。 354,SS 3(5),4(1)。
在臨時喪失工作能力的情況下,僱員有權獲得住院 60 天的全薪,
如果不住院則 14 天,再加上喪失工作能力期間或一年工資的三分之二,以較短者為準。


RD 答:



RD 答:

根據 1960 年《勞資關係法》,第 2 章。 136,S 30E。
如果雇主或工會在 7 日內不接受邀請談判集體談判協議的通知,則送達通知的一方可以通知勞工專員,勞工專員將試圖說服談判。
2017 年 4 月 1 日,新加坡啟動了就業索賠法庭 (ECT),旨在快速解決價值相對較低的工資糾紛。


RD 答:

根據 2009 年工作場所安全與健康法案,ch 354A, S 12。

  1. 提供並維護一個安全且無健康風險的工作環境,並為員工福利提供充足的設施和安排。
  2. 確保員工在使用機器、設備、廠房、物品或過程時採取足夠的安全措施。
  3. 確保員工不會因工作場所或工作場所附近的安排而受到雇主控制的危害。
  4. 制定和實施處理工作中可能出現的緊急情況的程序。
  5. 確保員工在執行工作時獲得足夠的指導信息、培訓和監督。



RD 答:


  •  已放棄接收通知的權利。
  •  終止方已向另一方支付了相當於僱員在必要通知期內應獲得的工資的金額。
  •  對方故意違反合同條件。
  •  用人單位拖欠工資違約。
  •  員工在未經雇主許可、合理辯解或試圖告知雇主缺勤原因的情況下連續曠工超過兩天,違反合同。
  •  經過充分調查,雇主確定員工從事的行為與明示或暗示的服務條件的履行不符。如果僱員認為解僱是沒有正當理由的,他或她可以在解僱後一個月內向人力部長書面申請複職。


  •  僱員或家屬立即受到暴力或疾病危險的威脅,這是僱員簽訂僱傭合同時沒有預料到的。

RD 答:


  1. 如果僱傭期少於 26 週,提前 1 天通知。
  2. 如果工作期限至少為 26 週但少於 2 年,則需提前 1 週通知。
  3. 如果工作期限至少為 2 年但少於 5 年,則提前 2 週通知。
  4. 如果僱傭期限至少為 5 年或以上,則提前 4 週通知。



RD 答:



RD 答:

根據 2016 年管理過剩人力和負責任裁員的三方指南。


RD 答:

應付給被解僱員工的總工資和任何其他款項必須在解僱之日或最遲在解僱後的 3 個工作日內支付。
當員工在沒有適當通知的情況下辭職時,必須在辭職後 7 天內支付工資。

LRC – Singapore Labor Regulations

What must be included in the contents of a labor contract in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Employment Act, Chapter 91, 1968, SS 8-9.
The list must include the following information:

  •  the employee’s full name
  •  the employment start date
  •  the employee’s job title
  •  the employee’s job duties
  •  the duration of the employment term, if a fixed-term agreement
  •  the probationary period, if applicable
  •  the employee’s work schedule
  •  salary periods
  •  the employee’s base salary
  •  fixed allowances
  •  additional incentives (e.g., bonuses)
  •  fixed deductions
  •  medical and dental insurance and benefits; and
  •  leave entitlements (annual, sick, maternity, childcare, etc.)
Do Singapore arrange labor contract in fixed term?

What should be the length of the labor contract in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

The length of labor contract in Singapore is based on discretion of company.

What is the minimum age for hiring new employee in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Employment Act, Chapter 91, 1968, SS 67A-69.
The legal minimum age for employment in Singapore is 16 with certain exceptions.

Is it a requirement for employer in Singapore to conduct a pre-employment background check?

Evershine RD:

According to Personal Data Protection Act, 2012, No. 26, SS 3, 13.
Under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012, employers can carried on background checks for purposes “that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances.”

Is the Non-Competition indemnity clause in labor contract in Singapore has legal effect?

Evershine RD:

A noncompetition agreement is enforceable if it reasonably seeks to protect the interests of the parties concerned and the interests of the public.
Enforceability of noncompetition agreements is determined on a case-by-case basis.

What are the regulations on Gender Discrimination in employment specifically for female workers in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Singapore Constitution, 1965, S 12; Industrial Relations Act, 1960, ch. 136, S 80.
The Ministry of Manpower’s Tripartite Guidelines on Nondiscriminatory Job Advertisements requires employers to provide equal opportunity in the selection of candidates regardless of age, race, gender, religion, marital status, criminal record, disability, or pregnancy.

Can the employer in Singapore collect, or process data transmitted by employees over the internet?

Evershine RD:

According to Personal Data Protection Act, 2012, No. 26, S 20.
Employers generally must provide notice and obtain employees’ consent prior to monitoring them by video or observing their e-mails.
On the other hand, employers do not need to obtain employee consent when monitoring employees for the purpose of managing or terminating an employment relationship between the employer and employee.

What are the regulations on working hours in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Employment Act, Chapter 91, 1968, S 38.
The standard workday in Singapore is 9 hours for a 5-day workweek, 8 hours for longer workweeks and in most cases cannot exceed 12 hours. The standard workweek 44 hours.

What are the regulations on overtime hours in Singapore?

What is the overtime premium rate in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Employment Act, Chapter 91, 1968, S 38.
Work more than 8 hours a day or 44 hours a week must be paid at a rate of time-and-one-half.
Employees are not permitted to work more than 72 hours of overtime per month.
The employee who volunteers to work on a rest day or works on a rest day at the request of the employer is entitled to half a day’s wages for up to half a day’s work, a full day’s wages for work that exceeds half a day but not the employee’s normal work hours, or a full day’s wages plus time and a half for any hours worked more than the employee’s normal work hours.

An employee required to work on a holiday is entitled to a full day’s pay in addition to the employee’s regular rate of pay for any hours worked on the holiday.
Managers and executives are not eligible for overtime premiums

Is it common to pay 13th month’s salary in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

Singapore’s labor code does not address bonuses, although it is common for employers to voluntarily provide an extra month’s wages payment.

What are the regulations on general leave policy for employee in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Employment Act, Chapter 91, 1968, S 43.
An employee who has worked with an employer for at least 3 months are entitled to 7 days paid annual leave and accrue 1 additional day for each subsequent year of service after the first up to a maximum 14 days of paid annual leave.

What are the public holidays in Singapore?
What is the overtime premium rate during public holiday in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Employment Act, Chapter 91, 1968, S 88; Holiday Act, 1998, No. 8, S 4.
Employers are required to provide paid time off to employees for the following public holidays:

  •  Jan. 1: New Year’s Day
  •  Chinese New Year (two days)
  •  Good Friday
  •  May 1: Labor Day
  •  Vesak Day (Buddha’s birthday)
  •  Aug. 9: National Day
  •  Hari Raya Puasa (End of Ramadan)
  •  Deepavali (Hindu New Year)
  •  Hari Raya Haji (Feast of Sacrifice)
  •  Dec. 25: Christmas Day

An employee required to work on a holiday is entitled to an extra day’s salary or a full day off

What is the maternity leave policy for female employee in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Employment Act, Chapter 91, 1968, SS 76-81.
Female employees are entitled to 16 weeks of paid maternity leave if they have worked for their employer for at least 3 months and the child is – or will be – a Singapore citizen.
A woman qualifies for only 12 weeks’ leave if she has worked for her employer less than 3 continuous months or if her child is not a Singaporean citizen.
She will receive 8 weeks’ pay from her employer if she has fewer than 2 living children of her own at the time of delivery. The remaining 4 weeks are unpaid.
If a mother seeks to use maternity leave and the father, with the mother’s agreement, seeks to use shared parental leave for the same child, the mother’s total number of available weeks of maternity leave would be reduced by the number of shared paternal leave taken by the father.

What is the paternity leave policy for male employee in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Child Development Co-Savings Act, Ch. 38A, S 12H-12I.
Working fathers who have been continuously employed for at least 3 months are entitled to 2 weeks of government-paid paternity leave if:

  •  they are married to the child’s mother, and
  •  the child is a citizen of Singapore or will become a citizen of Singapore by the time he or she is one year old.

The two weeks of leave can be taken:

  •  in a continuous block within 16 weeks of the child’s birth; or
  •  within 12 months from the birth of the child (subject to an agreement with the employer).

Working fathers are also entitled to share 4 weeks of their wife’s 16 weeks of government-paid maternity leave.

What are the provisions on sick leave, bereavement leave and personal leave for employees in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

Sick Leave

According to Employment Act, Chapter 91, 1968, S 89.
The employer pays the medical practitioner where the employer’s choosing.
At least 6 months’ service is entitled to paid sick leave up to 14 days per year if no hospitalization is required.
If hospitalization is required, sick leave is limited to the lesser of 60 days or 14 days plus the number of days the employee was hospitalized.
An employee with at least 3 months’ service but less than 6 months’ is entitled to sick leave proportionate to the time worked.

Bereavement leave/ Compassionate leave

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) does not require companies to provide bereavement leave to their employees.
Therefore, it is up to companies to offer leave entitlements.
In Singapore, many companies offer compassionate leave.

What are the regulations on pension benefits and social security insurance benefits for employees in Singapore?

Evershine RD: 

According to Central Provident Fund Act, ch. 36, S 77.
The minimum legal retirement age is 62.
The Central Provident Fund (CPF) provides 4 types of individual accounts for its members.

  1. An ordinary account to finance the purchase of a home, make approved investments or continue education.
  2. A special account for retirement and retirement-related investments.
  3. A Medisave account for certain medical expenses, including maternity.
  4. A retirement account set up at age 55 to finance periodic payments during retirement.
What are the regulations on Workers’ Compensation for employee in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Work Injury Compensation Act, Ch. 354, SS 3(5), 4(1).
Under the Work Injury Compensation Act, if an employee suffers a specified occupational disease or a work-related injury, the employer must pay compensation unless the injury caused by employee’s use of alcohol or deliberate self-injury.
In the case of temporary incapacity, the employee is entitled to full pay for 60 days if hospitalized, 14 days if not hospitalized, plus a further payment of two-thirds of salary during the period of incapacity or for one year, whichever is shorter.

Can the employee in Singapore join labor union?

Evershine RD:
An employment contract may not restrict the right of an employee to join a registered trade union.

How to handle labor dispute in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Industrial Relations Act, 1960, ch. 136, S 30E.
If an employer or a union does not accept within 7 days a notice of invitation to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement, the party that served the notice may notify the commissioner for labor, who will attempt to persuade to negotiate.
If there is continued refusal to negotiate, the commissioner will notify the Ministry of Manpower and the Registrar of the Courts that a trade dispute exists.
The minister may direct the parties to engage in further conciliation to attempt to settle the matter.
When a court has jurisdiction, it must expeditiously settle the trade dispute through arbitration.
On April 1, 2017, Singapore launched the Employment Claims Tribunal (ECT), which aims to provide speedy resolution to relatively low value salary disputes.

What are the regulations on workplace safety and health for employees in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Workplace Safety and Health Act, 2009, ch 354A, S 12.
Employers must take the following measures:

  1. Provide and maintain a work environment that is safe and without risk to health and has adequate facilities and arrangements for employee welfare.
  2. Ensure adequate safety measures for use of machinery, equipment, plant, article, or process by employees.
  3. Ensure employees are not exposed to hazards from the arrangement in the workplace or near the workplace and under the control of the employer.
  4. Develop and implementing procedures for dealing with emergencies that may arise at work.
  5. Ensure that employees have adequate instruction information, training, and supervision in performing their work.

Employers must report to the Ministry of Manpower all work-related medical leave or employees placed on light duties.

hat are the circumstances that an employer can terminate an employee in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

An employment contract may be terminated without notice under the following conditions:

  •  The right to receive notice has been waived.
  •  The terminating party has paid the other party an amount equal to the wages the employee would have earned during the requisite notice period.
  •  The other party has willfully breached a condition of the contract.
  •  The employer has breached the contract by failing to pay salary.
  •  The employee has breached the contract by being continuously absent from work for more than two days without permission from the employer, reasonable excuse or attempt to inform the employer of the reason for absence.
  •  After due inquiry, the employer determines that the employee engaged in conduct inconsistent with the fulfillment of the express or implied conditions of service. If the employee believes the termination to be without just cause, he or she may apply for reinstatement in writing within one month of dismissal to the minister of manpower. The decision of the minister is final and may not be challenged in court.
  •  The employee or a dependent is immediately threatened by danger of violence or disease that was not anticipated when the employee entered the employment contract.
What is the notification period for terminating an employee in Singapore?
How much is the severance pay?

Evershine RD:
An employment contract may at any time give notice to the other party of intent to terminate the contract.
Notice of termination must be in writing.
Unless the notice is specifically set forth in the contract, the following notice must be given:

  1. 1 days’ notice if the period of employment is less than 26 weeks.
  2. 1 week notice if the period of employment is at least 26 weeks but less than 2 years.
  3. 2 weeks’ notice if the period of employment is at least 2 years but less than 5 years.
  4. 4 weeks’ notice if the period of employment is at least 5 years or more.

Either party may choose to waive the right to receive notice.

In lieu of providing the requisite notice, the terminating party may pay the other party an amount equal to the wages the employee would have earned during the notice period.
Employment Act does not state the retrenchment benefits. It is the mutual agreement between employer and employee.
According to the nonbinding Tripartite Guidelines on Managing Excess Manpower, the prevailing norm for a retrenchment benefit is between two weeks’ and one month’s salary per year of service.

What is the reporting requirement for employer in Singapore to notify the termination of employees to the competent authority?

Evershine RD:

When layoffs are unavoidable, the guidelines encourage employers to notify the Ministry of Manpower as soon as possible to allow time for the ministry and other relevant agencies to help employees find alternative employment and/or provide them with vocational training.

What are the regulations on mass layoffs in Singapore?

Evershine RD:

According to Tripartite Guidelines on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment, 2016.
The guidelines encourage companies to consider cost-cutting measures in lieu of layoffs, redeploying employees to perform different work, reducing wages where possible and implementing shorter workweeks, flexible workweeks, or temporary layoffs.

What is the time limit for employer in Singapore to pay employees upon termination?

Evershine RD:

Total salary and any other amounts due to a terminated employee must be paid on the date of dismissal or at the latest within 3 business days thereafter.
Payment of wages to an employee who has resigned with the requisite notice must be made on the date the employment contract is terminated.
When an employee resigns without proper notice, payment of wages must be within seven days of resignation.
The employer may deduct from the salary due the amount the employee is liable to pay in lieu of proper notice.


以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2021年10月摘要。
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聯絡人:蘇 玉 燕 副總經理
skype: rachelsu8
wechat: r0928486835
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:104

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