

聯絡人: 陳中成 總經理 in 台+中+英;專利師;企管碩士+企管博士
Mobile: +886-933920199 in Taiwan; Mobile: +86-139-1048-6278 in China
TEL: +886-2-27170515 E100 ;
Wechat id:evershiinecpa;
Line Id: evershinecpa
Skype: daleccchen ;
linkedin address:Dale Chen Linkedin

文章目錄 點擊收合



What are the categories of health food in Singapore? What is its official name?
What is the intensity of management of different categories?
What is the governmental authority of health food? Website?

Evershine RD:


1. 維生素、礦物質、氨基酸、脂肪酸、酶、益生菌等生物活性物質。
2. 源自天然來源的物質,包括動物、礦物和植物材料的萃取物、分離物、濃縮物。
3. (1) 和 (2) 中提到的成分的合成來源。


In Singapore, Health Sciences Authority (HAS) under the Ministry of Health is the national regulatory body for the regulation of supplements, and the Internal Health Products Section is responsible for overseeing supplements.

A nutraceutical is a product used to supplement the diet, support (maintain), enhance and improve the health functions of the human body. It cannot be injectable or preparations that require sterility, such as injections and eye drops.
It cannot be part of a meal or diet. The supplement must also contain one or more, or a combination of the following ingredients:

1. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics and other biologically active substances.

2. Substances derived from natural sources, including extracts, isolates, concentrates of animal, mineral and plant materials.

3. Synthetic sources of ingredients mentioned in (1) and (2).

Health supplements must be administered in small unit dosage forms such as: capsules, soft gels, lozenges, liquids, syrups.



If a foreign company wants to sell health food in Singapore, no matter if it sets up a 100% subsidiary or branch, does it need to obtain an approval from local health bureau before the company’s registration?
If so, what are the requests? What are the required documents and application procedures? Website?

Evershine RD:

保健品的進口、製造和銷售無需獲得 HSA 的批准和許可。
保健品不需要上市前批准,但須符合保健品指南規範, 禁止在保健品中添加類固醇等藥用成分。

Import, manufacture and sale of supplements without HSA approval and permission.
Supplements do not require pre-market approval, but supplements must comply with the guidelines for supplements, and the HSA prohibits the addition of medicinal ingredients such as steroids to supplements.




Evershine RD:



If a foreign company wants to sell health food in Singapore, can it assign a Singapore company to act as a business agent?
What are the requests for acting as a business agent? What are the required documents and application procedures?
What is the product liability of foreign companies and the business agents? Website?

Evershine RD:

可以。保健品的進口、製造和銷售無需獲得 HSA 的批准和許可。
經銷商必須對其保健品的安全和品質負責,需要確保產品符合 HSA 規定的安全和品質標準。
如果檢測到本地銷售的保健品存在任何安全或品質問題,HSA 將採取必要的行動,公眾也將收到有關有害產品的警告。

Import, manufacture and sale of supplements without HSA approval and permission
Supplements do not require pre-market approval, but supplements must comply with the guidelines for supplements, and the HSA prohibits the addition of medicinal ingredients such as steroids to supplements.

Distributors are responsible for the safety and quality of their health supplements, and distributors must ensure that the products meet the safety and quality standards set forth by the HSA.
If any safety or quality issues with locally sold supplements are detected, the HSA will take necessary action and the public will be warned about the harmful product.





Do foreign companies need to apply for an approval before importing health food sold to Singapore?
If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process?
Do health food packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages ​​are allowed? Website?

Evershine RD:

保健品的進口、製造和銷售無需獲得 HSA 的批准和許可。
保健品不需要上市前批准,但須符合保健品指南規範, 禁止在保健品中添加類固醇等藥用成分。




3. 產品名稱(包括品牌名稱,如果有)











6. 產品適應症/預期用途



7. 劑量和使用說明


8. 批號

標識產品批次並允許追溯特定產品批次的完整歷史的名稱(數字或字母或兩者的組合),包括生產的所有階段、控制、 分佈和使用的原材料。 批號前應冠以批號或BN等標題。

9. 到期日


10. 製造商名稱和國家:完整名稱和國家/地區。

11. 本地進口商的名稱和地址:進口商的完整名稱和地址。

12. 禁忌症(如果適用)

13. 警告:包括副作用、禁忌症和適當的預防措施。


14. 其他(如果適用)

15. 儲存情況:聲明產品應正確儲存的條件,以保持產品品質。

16. 包裝尺寸/淨含量

是指包裝或容器中產品的數量,可以用絕對量(對於固體劑型)表示,例如 30 粒膠囊/容器或淨含量(對於液體、粉末或半固體劑型),例如 500mL/瓶。

No product licensing is required, and packaging and labelling do not require prior approval, but they need to comply with the specifications.
Import, manufacture and sale of supplements without HSA approval and permission
Supplements do not require pre-market approval, but supplements must comply with the guidelines for supplements, and the HSA prohibits the addition of medicinal ingredients such as steroids to supplements.

Packaging & Labeling

1.Product labels should be prominent and conspicuous. All product labels must be in English. If there is information in other languages, it should be consistent with the English text.

2.The information should be sufficient and authentic, and the labels should be printed or presented in a clear and indelible way.

3.Product name (including brand name, if applicable)

A brand name usually refers to a company or manufacturer’s name for a product or line of products (it may not). A product name is the name given to a particular product to distinguish it from other similar products on the market.

4.Dosage Form

Refers to the final physical form of the product that contains the active ingredient, ready to be used by consumers, such as tablets, capsules, soft gels, liquids, etc.

5.Active ingredient name and quantity

. Active ingredients are those that contribute to the intended function of the product. (Internationally recognized nomenclature is recommended for ingredient names.)

. The name and quantity of the plant/animal from which the active ingredient was extracted and the plant or animal part that constitutes the active ingredient, as well as the type of preparation to which it applies, shall be declared by the scientific name.

. Use of common or local names of plants or animals is optional.

. For vitamins and minerals, use the generic or chemical name.

. For mineral supplements in salt form, the strength of the element should be stated.

. The number of active ingredients refers to the amount or recommended dose of each active ingredient in each dosage form.

6.Product Indications/Intended Use

. Intended purpose means a statement relating to the indication, benefit or action of the product.

. Statements of intended use or intent should be made in accordance with the guidelines.

7.Dosage and Instructions for Use

Information on the route of administration, dose, frequency and, if applicable, duration of use of the product for which the product is intended.

8.Lot No.

A name (numbers or letters or a combination of both) that identifies a product batch and allows traceability of the complete history of a particular product batch, including all stages of production, controls, distribution, and raw materials used.
The batch number should be preceded by a title such as the batch number or BN.

9.Expiry Date

Refers to the date assigned to each individual batch by which the batch still meets the required specification.
Expiration dates should be declared in month and year (e.g. Jan/2022, 01/2022), with headings such as due date or EXP before the title to avoid ambiguity and confusion.

10. Manufacturer Name and Country: Full name and country.

11. Name and Address of Local Importer: Full name and address of importer.

12. Contraindications (if applicable)

13. WARNINGS: Include side effects, contraindications and appropriate precautions.

. Inactive substances with sensitizing effects should be declared: benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, tartrazine

14. Others (if applicable)

15. Storage Conditions: Declare the conditions under which the product should be properly stored to maintain product quality.

16. Package size/net content

Refers to the quantity of product in a package or container and can be expressed in absolute quantities (for solid dosage forms), such as 30 capsules/container, or net content (for liquid, powder, or semi-solid dosage forms), such as 500mL/vial.




Evershine RD:



Can a foreign company apply for a product license by its own name? If yes, which authority is in charge?
What documents are required? What is the application process?
Do health food packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages ​​are allowed? Website?

Evershine RD:

保健品的進口、製造和銷售無需獲得 HSA 的批准和許可。
保健品不需要上市前批准,但須符合保健品指南規範, 禁止在保健品中添加類固醇等藥用成分。




3. 產品名稱(包括品牌名稱,如果有)











6. 產品適應症/預期用途



7. 劑量和使用說明


8. 批號

標識產品批次並允許追溯特定產品批次的完整歷史的名稱(數字或字母或兩者的組合),包括生產的所有階段、控制、 分佈和使用的原材料。 批號前應冠以批號或BN等標題。

9. 到期日


10. 製造商名稱和國家:完整名稱和國家/地區。

11. 本地進口商的名稱和地址:進口商的完整名稱和地址。

12. 禁忌症(如果適用)

13. 警告:包括副作用、禁忌症和適當的預防措施。


14. 其他(如果適用)

15. 儲存情況:聲明產品應正確儲存的條件,以保持產品品質。

16. 包裝尺寸/淨含量

是指包裝或容器中產品的數量,可以用絕對量(對於固體劑型)表示,例如 30 粒膠囊/容器或淨含量(對於液體、粉末或半固體劑型),例如 500mL/瓶。

No product licensing is required, and packaging and labelling do not require prior approval, but they need to comply with the specifications.

Import, manufacture and sale of supplements without HSA approval and permission

Supplements do not require pre-market approval, but supplements must comply with the guidelines for supplements, and the HSA prohibits the addition of medicinal ingredients such as steroids to supplements.

Packaging & Labeling

1.Product labels should be prominent and conspicuous. All product labels must be in English. If there is information in other languages, it should be consistent with the English text.

2.The information should be sufficient and authentic, and the labels should be printed or presented in a clear and indelible way.

3.Product name (including brand name, if applicable)

A brand name usually refers to a company or manufacturer’s name for a product or line of products (it may not). A product name is the name given to a particular product to distinguish it from other similar products on the market.

4.Dosage Form

Refers to the final physical form of the product that contains the active ingredient, ready to be used by consumers, such as tablets, capsules, soft gels, liquids, etc.

5.Active ingredient name and quantity

. Active ingredients are those that contribute to the intended function of the product. (Internationally recognized nomenclature is recommended for ingredient names.)

. The name and quantity of the plant/animal from which the active ingredient was extracted and the plant or animal part that constitutes the active ingredient, as well as the type of preparation to which it applies, shall be declared by the scientific name.

. Use of common or local names of plants or animals is optional.

. For vitamins and minerals, use the generic or chemical name.

. For mineral supplements in salt form, the strength of the element should be stated.

. The number of active ingredients refers to the amount or recommended dose of each active ingredient in each dosage form.

6.Product Indications/Intended Use

. Intended purpose means a statement relating to the indication, benefit or action of the product.

. Statements of intended use or intent should be made in accordance with the guidelines.

7.Dosage and Instructions for Use

Information on the route of administration, dose, frequency and, if applicable, duration of use of the product for which the product is intended.

8.Lot No.

A name (numbers or letters or a combination of both) that identifies a product batch and allows traceability of the complete history of a particular product batch, including all stages of production, controls, distribution, and raw materials used. The batch number should be preceded by a title such as the batch number or BN.

9.Expiry Date

Refers to the date assigned to each individual batch by which the batch still meets the required specification. Expiration dates should be declared in month and year (e.g. Jan/2022, 01/2022), with headings such as due date or EXP before the title to avoid ambiguity and confusion.

10. Manufacturer Name and Country: Full name and country.

11. Name and Address of Local Importer: Full name and address of importer.

12. Contraindications (if applicable)

13. WARNINGS: Include side effects, contraindications and appropriate precautions.

. Inactive substances with sensitizing effects should be declared: benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, tartrazine

14. Others (if applicable)

15. Storage Conditions: Declare the conditions under which the product should be properly stored to maintain product quality.

16. Package size/net content

Refers to the quantity of product in a package or container and can be expressed in absolute quantities (for solid dosage forms), such as 30 capsules/container, or net content (for liquid, powder, or semi-solid dosage forms), such as 500mL/vial.




Evershine RD:



What documents are required when importing approved health food into Singapore? What is the procedure?
Any preparation is required to submit to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for selling products? Website?

Evershine RD:



1. 註冊入口網站的帳戶:

2. 指定報關代理人(新加坡物流協會/新加坡航空貨運代理協會)或自行申報。

.必須與新加坡海關負責銀行 GIRO (IBG)綁定以直接從您的銀行賬戶向新加坡海關支付新加坡海關提供的服務的關稅、稅款、費用、罰款和其他費用。

.如果沒有在新加坡海關持有 IBG,關稅和 GST 將從您的申報代理的 IBG 中扣除。

3. 提供安全保障



4. 獲得海關進口許可證

.申请必須透由TradeNet提交 (TradeNet軟體、政府應用程序)








5. 準備貨物清關文件







購買、進口、銷售或出口貨物有關的相關證明文件自許可證申請批准之日起保留 5 年。

Import of health food requires a customs import license, and no prior reporting is required before sales.

Customs Import Permit:

1. Register an account with the portal:

2. Designated customs broker (Singapore Logistics Association/Singapore Air Freight Forwarders Association) or self-declaration.

.Must be tied to Singapore Customs Responsible Bank GIRO (IBG) for payment of duties, taxes, fees, fines and other charges for services provided by Singapore Customs directly from your bank account to Singapore Customs.

. If the IBG is not held at Singapore Customs, customs duties and GST will be deducted from the IBG of your reporting agent.

3. Provide security

.Guarantee is required for transactions involving dutiable goods, temporary importation of goods for approved purposes, and the operation of franchise premises such as licensed warehouses and excise factories.

. The guarantee provided shall be in the form of bank guarantee, financial company guarantee or security deposit.

4. Obtain customs import license

.Applications must be submitted through TradeNet (TradeNet software, government applications)

.The application fee for each license is usually S$2.88, excluding customs brokerage service fees.

Document content

.Application company (customs declaration must be made in the name of the company, if it is an individual, you can entrust an agency company to apply), zip code, address, telephone, fax, industry

.Contact, Contact, Phone, Fax, Email

.Billing administrator (usually supervisor or financial officer) name, ID/passport number, contact details, email

.Payment method


5. Prepare cargo clearance documents

.Provide supporting documents including invoice, packing list and bill of lading/air waybill

.Documents Required for Containerized Cargo

Importing containerized cargo by sea eliminates the need to present printed copies of customs permits and supporting documents to checkpoint personnel at the port of entry.

To import containerized cargo by air or land, you need to present a customs permit and supporting documents such as invoice, packing list and bill of lading/airway bill to verify with the checkpoint officer.

. Documents Required for Regular Cargo

For conventional goods, please submit the goods, printed copies of customs passes, invoices, packing lists, bills of lading/airway bills and other supporting documents to the inspection personnel for verification when the goods are cleared.

. Keep trade documents

Relevant supporting documents related to the purchase, import, sale or export of goods are retained for 5 years from the date of approval of the license application.


新加坡保健食品審核機構,需要附上的實驗室檢驗資料有哪些? 網頁?

What are the laboratory inspection materials that need to be attached for verification? Website?

Evershine RD:


1. 不允許使用的物質






2. 有毒重金屬限值

.砷: 百萬分之5 (ppm)

.鎘: 0.3ppm


.汞: 0.5ppm

3. 微生物限度


.需氧菌總數:不超過 10 5

.酵母和黴菌:不超過 5 x 10 2



4. 維生素和礦物質限量


.生物素:0.9 毫克

 .葉酸:0.9 毫克

 .煙酰胺:450 毫克


 .維生素A(視黃醇):1.5 毫克 (5000 國際單位)

 .維生素B1:100 毫克

. 維生素B2:40毫克

 .維生素 B5(泛酸):200 毫克

 .維生素B6:100 毫克

 .維生素 B12:0.6毫克

 .維生素C:1000 毫克

 .維生素D:0.025 毫克 (1000 國際單位)

 .維生素E:536 毫克 (800 國際單位)

 .維生素 K1 / K2:0.12 毫克


.硼: 6.4毫克

 .鈣:1200 毫克



 .碘: 0.15 毫克

 .鐵: 15 毫克*

 .鎂: 350 毫克

 .錳: 3.5毫克

 .鉬: 0.36 毫克

 .磷: 800 毫克

 .硒: 0.2毫克

 .鋅: 15毫克

.對於孕婦的複合維生素和礦物質補充劑,可以考慮將鐵的上限提高到 30 毫克/天。


1. 基於劑型的物理測試參數






2.  測試要求











.測試結果應定量報告(例如,砷 0.05ppm)。

3. 製造標準


.藥品檢驗合作計劃 (PIC/S) 藥品生產品質管理規範

.世界衛生組織 (WHO) 藥品生產品質管理規範 (GMP)

.東盟傳統藥物良好生產規範 (GMP) 指南

.東盟保健品良好生產規範 (GMP) 指南

.美國食品和藥物管理局 (US FDA) 現行的膳食補充劑良好生產規範 (cGMP)

.國際標準化組織 (ISO) – 食品安全管理 (ISO 22000)*

.食品安全體系認證 (FSSC) 22000*

.危害分析關鍵控制點 (HACCP) 系統*

* 這些是食品安全管理體系的認證標準,如果產品受製造國的食品法監管,則被認為適用。
對於通過 HACCP 標準認證的製造商,經銷商應確保這些製造商有適當的程序來管理反饋和召回活動。

Health supplement distributors must ensure that your products meet safety and quality standards.

1. Substances not allowed

Imported or sold health products must not contain the following

. Ingredients from human body parts

. poison

. Ingredients that may affect human health

. ingredients that can cause zoonotic diseases

2. Toxic Heavy Metal Limits

. Arsenic: 5 parts per million (ppm)

. Cadmium: 0.3ppm

. Lead: 10ppm

. Mercury: 0.5ppm

3. Microbial limit

Supplements should not exceed the following microbial limits

. Total number of aerobic bacteria: not more than 10 5

. Yeast and mold: no more than 5 x 10 2

. E. coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus: Not allowed

. Distributors and sellers are obligated to ensure that the microbial content and heavy metals of the product are appropriate and safe for use in accordance with the recommended conditions of use and intended users.

4. Vitamin and Mineral Limits

Limits of vitamins in general adult health products. (Daily maximum)

. Biotin: 0.9 mg

. Folic acid: 0.9 mg

. Niacinamide: 450 mg

. Niacin: 15 mg

. Vitamin A (retinol): 1.5 mg (5000 IU)

. Vitamin B1: 100 mg

. Vitamin B2: 40 mg

. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): 200 mg

. Vitamin B6: 100 mg

. Vitamin B12: 0.6 mg

. Vitamin C: 1000 mg

. Vitamin D: 0.025 mg (1000 IU)

. Vitamin E: 536 mg (800 IU)

. Vitamin K1/K2: 0.12 mg

Limits of minerals in general adult health products. (Daily maximum)

. Boron: 6.4 mg

. Calcium: 1200 mg

. Chromium: 0.5 mg

. Copper: 2 mg

. Iodine: 0.15 mg

. Iron: 15 mg*

. Magnesium: 350 mg

. Manganese: 3.5 mg

. Molybdenum: 0.36 mg

. Phosphorus: 800 mg

. Selenium: 0.2 mg

. Zinc: 15 mg

. For multivitamin and mineral supplements for pregnant women, consider increasing the iron limit to 30 mg/day.

Quality Standard

1. Physical test parameters based on dosage form

.Hardness and brittleness measure a product’s mechanical integrity and ability to withstand mechanical stress and resistance to chipping or surface wear during manufacture, handling and shipping.

.The degree of disintegration determines whether the product contents will disintegrate within a specified period of time when placed in a liquid medium under specified test conditions.

.Dissolution assesses how quickly and to what extent a product dissolves to form a leachable.

.Viscosity measures the amount of friction and drag within a liquid’s contents.

.Uniformity of dosage unit is a measure of how uniformly the active substance is distributed in a product, and can also be demonstrated by content uniformity or mass variation.

2. Test Requirements

.The test report should contain at least the following information:

1 report date

2 Brand name (if applicable) and product name

3 batch numbers

4 Name of the test substance

5 Refer to relevant specifications and test procedures

6 Test results if necessary

7 test dates

8 Analyst name and signature

.Finished products should be tested for heavy metals, microorganisms, poisons and adulterants. Product specification sheets or certificates of analysis for raw materials or intermediates are not intended to replace finished product testing.

.Test results should be reported quantitatively (eg, Arsenic 0.05ppm).
For test results reported as Not Detected or ND, the detection limit must be stated on the test report.

3. Manufacturing standard

Acceptable manufacturing standards

.Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperative Program (PIC/S) Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products

.World Health Organization (WHO) Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

.ASEAN Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Guidelines for Traditional Medicines

.ASEAN Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Guidelines for Nutraceuticals

.US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) for Dietary Supplements

.International Organization for Standardization (ISO) – Food Safety Management (ISO 22000)*

.Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000*

.Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System*

*These are certification standards for food safety management systems and are considered applicable if the product is regulated by the food laws of the country of manufacture.
For manufacturers certified to HACCP standards, distributors should ensure that these manufacturers have procedures in place to manage feedback and recall activities.





After a foreign subsidiary imports health food and entrusts a distributor in Singapore to sell it, does the distributor need a health food business license?
What are the respective responsibilities of foreign subsidiaries and distributors if cosmetic products have quality defects? Is it joint liability? Or can the responsibility of the foreign subsidiary be regulated?

Evershine RD:

經銷商必須對其保健品的安全和品質負責,需要確保產品符合 HSA 規定的安全和品質標準。
如果檢測到本地銷售的保健品存在任何安全或品質問題,HSA 將採取必要的行動,公眾也將收到有關有害產品的警告。

No business license required.

Distributors are responsible for the safety and quality of their health supplements, and distributors must ensure that the products meet the safety and quality standards set forth by the HSA.
If any safety or quality issues with locally sold supplements are detected, the HSA will take necessary action and the public will be warned about the harmful product.




以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2021年10月摘要。
而且您將在永輝RD 人才庫列名,有機會成為RD兼職及合作夥伴。



聯絡人: 陳中成 總經理 in 台+中+英;專利師;企管碩士+企管博士
Mobile: +886-933920199 in Taiwan; Mobile: +86-139-1048-6278 in China
TEL: +886-2-27170515 E100 ;
Wechat id:evershiinecpa;
Line Id: evershinecpa
Skype: daleccchen ;
linkedin address:Dale Chen Linkedin

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